2023 年 7 月 6 日の請求・コスト管理・アカウントのコンソールの権限廃止・変更のポリシー移行をアシストするために、一括更新スクリプトが提供されました

2023 年 7 月 6 日の請求・コスト管理・アカウントのコンソールの権限廃止・変更のポリシー移行をアシストするために、一括更新スクリプトが提供されました

Clock Icon2023.06.12



半年ほど前の次のアナウンスでも紹介されていますが、aws-portal プレフィックスを始め、いくつかのアクションが 2023 年 7 月 6 日に廃止になります。


あと 1 ヶ月弱で既存のアクションが使用できなくなりますが、このタイミングでポリシーの更新をアシストしてくれるスクリプトが提供されました。

更新されたポリシーの旧アクションは削除されずに新アクションと混在する形になるので、現環境への影響する可能性は低そうですが、7 月 6 日以降は不要なアクションが追加されたままという感じですね。



スクリプトは次の GitHub リポジトリで公開されています。
AWS 公式なので安心出来る感じしますね。

使い方の手順は上記の README.md 次の公式ドキュメントに記載されています。

Python 製のスクリプトなので、Python の実行環境が必要です。

% python3 --version
Python 3.9.8
% git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/bulk-policy-migrator-scripts-for-account-cost-billing-consoles.git
Cloning into 'bulk-policy-migrator-scripts-for-account-cost-billing-consoles'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 67, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (67/67), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (45/45), done.
remote: Total 67 (delta 32), reused 53 (delta 21), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (67/67), 32.24 KiB | 1.34 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (32/32), done.
% cd bulk-policy-migrator-scripts-for-account-cost-billing-consoles
% python3 -m venv venv
% source venv/bin/activate
(venv) % pip install -r requirements.txt
Collecting boto3
  Downloading boto3-1.26.151-py3-none-any.whl (135 kB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 135 kB 2.6 MB/s 
Collecting botocore<1.30.0,>=1.29.151
  Downloading botocore-1.29.151-py3-none-any.whl (10.9 MB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 10.9 MB 15.9 MB/s 
Collecting s3transfer<0.7.0,>=0.6.0
  Downloading s3transfer-0.6.1-py3-none-any.whl (79 kB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 79 kB 13.0 MB/s 
Collecting jmespath<2.0.0,>=0.7.1
  Downloading jmespath-1.0.1-py3-none-any.whl (20 kB)
Collecting urllib3<1.27,>=1.25.4
  Downloading urllib3-1.26.16-py2.py3-none-any.whl (143 kB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 143 kB 51.2 MB/s 
Collecting python-dateutil<3.0.0,>=2.1
  Using cached python_dateutil-2.8.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (247 kB)
Collecting six>=1.5
  Using cached six-1.16.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (11 kB)
Installing collected packages: six, urllib3, python-dateutil, jmespath, botocore, s3transfer, boto3
Successfully installed boto3-1.26.151 botocore-1.29.151 jmespath-1.0.1 python-dateutil-2.8.2 s3transfer-0.6.1 six-1.16.0 urllib3-1.26.16
WARNING: You are using pip version 21.2.4; however, version 23.1.2 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the '/Users/iwasa.takahito/work/hoge0612iam/bulk-policy-migrator-scripts-for-account-cost-billing-consoles/venv/bin/python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip' command.
(venv) % cd policy_migration_scripts/scripts

このスクリプトはマルチアカウントに対応していて、管理アカウントからメンバーアカウントへ AssumeRole してポリシーの検査や更新を行います。
そのため、CloudFormation StackSets などでcfn_templateディレクトリに格納されている次のポリシーをスクリプトのターゲットとなる AWS アカウントへデプロイしておく必要があります。
スクリプトではこのポリシーに AssumeRole する作りになっています。

デプロイ前に Principal のアカウント ID を管理アカウントのものにする必要があります。

  "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09",
  "Resources": {
    "BillingConsolePolicyMigratorRoleTemplate": {
      "Type": "AWS::IAM::Role",
      "Properties": {
        "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": {
          "Version": "2012-10-17",
          "Statement": [
              "Effect": "Allow",
              "Principal": {
                "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:root"
              "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
        "Description": "IAM role in member account for bulk policy migrator scripts",
        "Policies": [
            "PolicyName": "BillingConsolePolicyMigratorRolePolicy",
            "PolicyDocument": {
              "Statement": [
                  "Action": [
                  "Effect": "Allow",
                  "Resource": "*"
              "Version": "2012-10-17"
        "RoleName": "BillingConsolePolicyMigratorRole"





全アカウントを指定した場合は boto3 のlist_accountsをトークンを確認して繰り返しているので、おそらくアカウント数の上限はなくて全件取得してくれそうです。

(venv) % python3 identify_affected_policies.py --accounts 123456789012
2023-06-12 15:51:00,948 - INFO - Caller account: 123456789012
2023-06-12 15:51:00,948 - INFO - Using default action mapping config file
2023-06-12 15:51:00,949 - INFO - Loading default old to new action mapping file from /Users/iwasa.takahito/work/hoge0612iam/bulk-policy-migrator-scripts-for-account-cost-billing-consoles/policy_migration_scripts/config/action_mapping_config.json
2023-06-12 15:51:01,275 - INFO - Running in LINKED ACCOUNT mode with accounts: ['123456789012']
2023-06-12 15:51:01,275 - INFO - Running with account: 123456789012
2023-06-12 15:51:01,275 - INFO - Identifying affected policies...
2023-06-12 15:51:02,665 - INFO - Scanning 10 customer managed policies
2023-06-12 15:51:03,358 - INFO - Scanning 10 customer managed policies
2023-06-12 15:51:04,120 - INFO - Scanning 10 customer managed policies
2023-06-12 15:51:04,388 - INFO - Scanning 7 customer managed policies
2023-06-12 15:51:04,388 - INFO - Loading default old to new action mapping file from /Users/iwasa.takahito/work/hoge0612iam/bulk-policy-migrator-scripts-for-account-cost-billing-consoles/policy_migration_scripts/config/action_mapping_config.json
2023-06-12 15:51:05,205 - INFO - Scanning 2 users
2023-06-12 15:51:06,041 - INFO - Scanning 0 groups
2023-06-12 15:51:07,158 - INFO - Scanning 10 roles
2023-06-12 15:51:07,687 - INFO - Scanning 10 roles
2023-06-12 15:51:08,174 - INFO - Scanning 10 roles
2023-06-12 15:51:08,485 - INFO - Scanning 10 roles
2023-06-12 15:51:08,967 - INFO - Scanning 10 roles
2023-06-12 15:51:09,296 - INFO - Scanning 10 roles
2023-06-12 15:51:09,830 - INFO - Scanning 10 roles
2023-06-12 15:51:10,205 - INFO - Scanning 6 roles
2023-06-12 15:51:11,479 - INFO - Scanning 10 SCPs
2023-06-12 15:51:12,040 - INFO - Loading default old to new action mapping file from /Users/iwasa.takahito/work/hoge0612iam/bulk-policy-migrator-scripts-for-account-cost-billing-consoles/policy_migration_scripts/config/action_mapping_config.json
2023-06-12 15:51:13,909 - INFO - Loading default old to new action mapping file from /Users/iwasa.takahito/work/hoge0612iam/bulk-policy-migrator-scripts-for-account-cost-billing-consoles/policy_migration_scripts/config/action_mapping_config.json
2023-06-12 15:51:14,442 - INFO - Loading default old to new action mapping file from /Users/iwasa.takahito/work/hoge0612iam/bulk-policy-migrator-scripts-for-account-cost-billing-consoles/policy_migration_scripts/config/action_mapping_config.json
2023-06-12 15:51:15,629 - INFO - Loading default old to new action mapping file from /Users/iwasa.takahito/work/hoge0612iam/bulk-policy-migrator-scripts-for-account-cost-billing-consoles/policy_migration_scripts/config/action_mapping_config.json
2023-06-12 15:51:17,980 - INFO - Scanning 2 SCPs
2023-06-12 15:51:18,237 - INFO - Loading default old to new action mapping file from /Users/iwasa.takahito/work/hoge0612iam/bulk-policy-migrator-scripts-for-account-cost-billing-consoles/policy_migration_scripts/config/action_mapping_config.json
2023-06-12 15:51:18,519 - INFO - Affected policy report written to Affected_Policies_20230612-15-51-18-517960/affected_policies_and_suggestions.json
2023-06-12 15:51:18,520 - INFO - Detailed policy report written to Affected_Policies_20230612-15-51-18-517960/detailed_affected_policies.json
2023-06-12 15:51:18,520 - INFO - Done

上記コマンドを実行すると 2 つのレポートファイル(JSON 形式)にスキャン結果が出力されています。




        "AccountsScanned": [
        "TotalAffectedAccounts": 1,
        "TotalAffectedPolicies": 6,
        "TotalSimilarPolicyGroups": 2
        "GroupName": "Group1",
        "ImpactedPolicies": [
                "Account": "123456789012",
                "PolicyType": "CustomerManagedPolicy",
                "PolicyName": "before-deny-billing",
                "PolicyIdentifier": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/before-deny-billing"
        "ImpactedPolicyStatements": [
                "Effect": "Deny",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": "*"
        "SuggestedPolicyStatementsToAppend": [
                "Sid": "BillingConsolePolicyMigrator0",
                "Effect": "Deny",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": "*"
        "GroupName": "Group2",
        "ImpactedPolicies": [
                "Account": "123456789012",
                "PolicyType": "SCP",
                "PolicyName": "aws-guardrails-YBopKh",
                "PolicyIdentifier": "p-krbcbp4z"
                "Account": "123456789012",
                "PolicyType": "SCP",
                "PolicyName": "aws-guardrails-YmqaSS",
                "PolicyIdentifier": "p-g5n3sm0v"
                "Account": "123456789012",
                "PolicyType": "SCP",
                "PolicyName": "aws-guardrails-bqMDcH",
                "PolicyIdentifier": "p-sg2grqs9"
                "Account": "123456789012",
                "PolicyType": "SCP",
                "PolicyName": "aws-guardrails-ojadBN",
                "PolicyIdentifier": "p-prpup0t9"
                "Account": "123456789012",
                "PolicyType": "SCP",
                "PolicyName": "aws-guardrails-GjlytP",
                "PolicyIdentifier": "p-bfz7licy"
        "ImpactedPolicyStatements": [
                "Effect": "Deny",
                "NotAction": [
                "Condition": {
                    "StringNotEquals": {
                        "aws:RequestedRegion": [
                    "ArnNotLike": {
                        "aws:PrincipalARN": [
                "Resource": "*"
        "SuggestedPolicyStatementsToAppend": [
                "Condition": {
                    "StringNotEquals": {
                        "aws:RequestedRegion": [
                    "ArnNotLike": {
                        "aws:PrincipalARN": [
                "Resource": "*",
                "Effect": "Deny",
                "NotAction": [
                "Sid": "BillingConsolePolicyMigrator0"

こちらを見て気がついたのですが、どうやら SCP でも該当アクションが使われているようだということがわかりました。
たしかに検出された SCP を確認してみると次のように廃止予定のアクションが含まれています。

このアカウントは Control Tower を有効化していたのですが、どうやらその際に自動作成されているようですね。
ということは今回のこのアクション廃止って Control Tower 有効化している全ユーザーに影響ありか?




(venv) % python3 update_affected_policies.py --affected-policies-directory Affected_Policies_20230612-15-51-18-517960 
2023-06-12 16:06:05,416 - INFO - Running update script with argument: Affected_Policies_20230612-15-51-18-517960
2023-06-12 16:06:06,266 - INFO - Caller account: 123456789012
2023-06-12 16:06:07,148 - INFO - Validating input directory: Affected_Policies_20230612-15-51-18-517960
2023-06-12 16:06:07,151 - INFO - Fetching all accounts in the organization...
2023-06-12 16:06:07,509 - INFO - Validating input data...
2023-06-12 16:06:07,510 - INFO - Loading default old to new action mapping file from /Users/iwasa.takahito/work/hoge0612iam/bulk-policy-migrator-scripts-for-account-cost-billing-consoles/policy_migration_scripts/config/action_mapping_config.json
2023-06-12 16:06:07,512 - INFO - Loading default old to new action mapping file from /Users/iwasa.takahito/work/hoge0612iam/bulk-policy-migrator-scripts-for-account-cost-billing-consoles/policy_migration_scripts/config/action_mapping_config.json
2023-06-12 16:06:07,512 - INFO - Finished validating input data
2023-06-12 16:06:07,512 - INFO - Number of worker threads used: 3
2023-06-12 16:06:07,513 - INFO - Starting to update policies in Group Group1
2023-06-12 16:06:07,513 - INFO - Starting to update policies in Group Group2
2023-06-12 16:06:07,818 - INFO - Loading default old to new action mapping file from /Users/iwasa.takahito/work/hoge0612iam/bulk-policy-migrator-scripts-for-account-cost-billing-consoles/policy_migration_scripts/config/action_mapping_config.json
2023-06-12 16:06:08,602 - INFO - Loading default old to new action mapping file from /Users/iwasa.takahito/work/hoge0612iam/bulk-policy-migrator-scripts-for-account-cost-billing-consoles/policy_migration_scripts/config/action_mapping_config.json
2023-06-12 16:06:08,698 - INFO - Successfully updated policy. PolicyName = aws-guardrails-YBopKh, PolicyType = SCP, PolicyIdentifier = p-krbcbp4z, Account = 123456789012
2023-06-12 16:06:08,980 - INFO - Loading default old to new action mapping file from /Users/iwasa.takahito/work/hoge0612iam/bulk-policy-migrator-scripts-for-account-cost-billing-consoles/policy_migration_scripts/config/action_mapping_config.json
2023-06-12 16:06:09,241 - INFO - Successfully updated policy. PolicyName = before-deny-billing, PolicyType = CustomerManagedPolicy, PolicyIdentifier = arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/before-deny-billing, Account = 123456789012
2023-06-12 16:06:09,242 - INFO - Finished updating policies in Group Group1
2023-06-12 16:06:09,830 - INFO - Successfully updated policy. PolicyName = aws-guardrails-YmqaSS, PolicyType = SCP, PolicyIdentifier = p-g5n3sm0v, Account = 123456789012
2023-06-12 16:06:10,106 - INFO - Loading default old to new action mapping file from /Users/iwasa.takahito/work/hoge0612iam/bulk-policy-migrator-scripts-for-account-cost-billing-consoles/policy_migration_scripts/config/action_mapping_config.json
2023-06-12 16:06:10,768 - INFO - Successfully updated policy. PolicyName = aws-guardrails-bqMDcH, PolicyType = SCP, PolicyIdentifier = p-sg2grqs9, Account = 123456789012
2023-06-12 16:06:12,347 - INFO - Loading default old to new action mapping file from /Users/iwasa.takahito/work/hoge0612iam/bulk-policy-migrator-scripts-for-account-cost-billing-consoles/policy_migration_scripts/config/action_mapping_config.json
2023-06-12 16:06:12,971 - INFO - Successfully updated policy. PolicyName = aws-guardrails-ojadBN, PolicyType = SCP, PolicyIdentifier = p-prpup0t9, Account = 123456789012
2023-06-12 16:06:14,008 - INFO - Loading default old to new action mapping file from /Users/iwasa.takahito/work/hoge0612iam/bulk-policy-migrator-scripts-for-account-cost-billing-consoles/policy_migration_scripts/config/action_mapping_config.json
2023-06-12 16:06:14,567 - ERROR - Failed updating policy. PolicyName = aws-guardrails-GjlytP, PolicyType = SCP, PolicyIdentifier = p-bfz7licy, Account = 123456789012, Error = An error occurred (ConstraintViolationException) when calling the UpdatePolicy operation: You have exceeded the maximum policy size.
2023-06-12 16:06:14,568 - INFO - Finished updating policies in Group Group2
2023-06-12 16:06:14,568 - ERROR - Encountered errors when updating affected policies
2023-06-12 16:06:14,569 - ERROR - Error report written to file UpdateAffectedPolicies-ErrorReport-20230612-16-06-14-568859.json. Please review the errors and refer to FAQ on next steps
2023-06-12 16:06:14,569 - INFO - Done


        "GroupName": "Group2",
        "Account": "123456789012",
        "PolicyType": "SCP",
        "PolicyName": "aws-guardrails-GjlytP",
        "UserOrGroupOrRoleName": "p-bfz7licy",
        "Status": "FAILURE",
        "ErrorMessage": "ConstraintViolationException: You have exceeded the maximum policy size."




ちなみに、SCP もサジェストされたステートメントが追加される形で更新されていました。

ただし、更新後に「AWS Control Tower drift warning: A managed service control policy was modified.」という件名で次の内容のエラー通知メールを受信するようになりました。

"Message" : "AWS Control Tower has detected that the managed service control policy 'aws-guardrails-YBopKh (p-krbcbp4z)', attached to the registered organizational unit 'Sandbox (ou-s4h9-a17cffj6)', has been modified. For more information, including steps to resolve this issue, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/controltower/latest/userguide/drift.html#drift-scp-update",
"MasterAccountId" : "123456789012",
"ManagementAccountId" : "123456789012",
"OrganizationId" : "o-8j81brsjuj",
"DriftType" : "SCP_UPDATED",
"RemediationStep" : "Re-register this organizational unit (OU), or if the OU has more than 300 accounts, you must update your landing zone.",
"OrganizationalUnitId" : "ou-s4h9-a17cffj6",
"PolicyId" : "p-krbcbp4z"

Control Tower のドリフト検出機能で検出されたようです。
廃止に伴ってこれらの SCP をどのように更新すべきかは検討が必要ですね。



(venv) % python3 rollback_affected_policies.py --accounts 123456789012
2023-06-12 16:12:46,437 - INFO - {'include_all': False, 'accounts': ['123456789012'], 'excluded_accounts': []}
2023-06-12 16:12:48,630 - INFO - Running in LINKED ACCOUNT mode with accounts: ['123456789012']
2023-06-12 16:12:50,606 - INFO - Successfully rolled back policy. PolicyName = aws-guardrails-YBopKh, PolicyType = Service_Control_Policy, PolicyId = p-krbcbp4z, Account = 123456789012.
2023-06-12 16:12:51,765 - INFO - Successfully rolled back policy. PolicyName = aws-guardrails-YmqaSS, PolicyType = Service_Control_Policy, PolicyId = p-g5n3sm0v, Account = 123456789012.
2023-06-12 16:12:52,736 - INFO - Successfully rolled back policy. PolicyName = aws-guardrails-bqMDcH, PolicyType = Service_Control_Policy, PolicyId = p-sg2grqs9, Account = 123456789012.
2023-06-12 16:12:54,830 - INFO - Successfully rolled back policy. PolicyName = aws-guardrails-ojadBN, PolicyType = Service_Control_Policy, PolicyId = p-prpup0t9, Account = 123456789012.
2023-06-12 16:13:02,755 - INFO - Successfully rolled back policy. PolicyName = before-deny-billing, PolicyType = Customer_Managed_Policy, PolicyId = ANPA24V6CVCVO4UASL2OB, Account = 123456789012.
2023-06-12 16:13:05,788 - INFO - Successfully rolled back all policies
2023-06-12 16:13:05,788 - INFO - Rollback summary report written to file RollBack-Report-20230612-16-13-05-787631.json.



本日は 2023 年 7 月 6 日の請求・コスト管理・アカウントのコンソールの権限廃止・変更のポリシー移行をアシストするために、一括更新スクリプトが提供されたので使ってみました。


Control Tower の SCP どうするかな?これは別途考えてみたいです。


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